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Debicheck Suresystems




At SureSystems we prioritize your business by providing you with streamlined solutions and exceptional service delivery. We value our clients' time and we take a step further to exceed rather than just meet expectations.

Our payment system called SUREdebit was built with your business needs and priorities in mind. Our aim is to provide your business with an easy, affordable payment solution and assist you in growing to your maximum potential.

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Cashless Payout


Issue a cash card to your customer, reduce your risk by using our cashless payout solution.

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Debicheck Suresystems


API for simple integration available with little to no development time required from SureSystems' side.

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Debicheck Suresystems


The innovative wireless mobile terminal facilitates improved payment fluidity at the point of sale. 

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Debicheck Suresystems
Debicheck and Debit Order Payment Solution

SUREdebit will provide you with all Debicheck payment types that will suit your spesific business needs. Read more

About Us

Make your business grow with streamlined, affordable collection methods

SureSystems offer cost effective payment solutions in the South African market,  related to money collections from a customers, bank account. We are also in the forefront of new developments in the payment systems industry and offer the latest technologies available.


We offer a range of products to suit your individual needs and requirements at competitive pricing.


We developed a  system called SUREdebit, used for Debicheck transactions that are user friendly and reliable.


SureSystems is a System Operator registered with PASA, we are PCI DSS compliant and our POS devices are EMV certified. Our supporting bank is Access Bank SA Pty Ltd.  We strive to provide you with a safe and secure payment system.

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Why choose us

We provide technical and business support to our clients and their staff. The SureSystems team is focused on great service delivery and your success is our satisfaction.

High Level of

Our system has high usability enabling our users to easily operate and management payments.


Our POS terminals offers excellent payment experience and an intiutive user interaction interface.

High Level of

Our employees are extremely comitted to our clients. Each of our clients becomes our family. Our focus is to enable you to grow your business.

Get in Touch
184 Erasmus Street
Argo Building 

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Payment solutions
made easy.

087 820 1423

Contact Us

At SureSystems we prioritize your business by providing you with streamlined solutions and exceptional service delivery. We value our clients' time and we take a step further to exceed rather than just meet expectations.

087 820 1423

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